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Title:Splošna vojaška oskrba : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
Authors:Simšič, Branko (Author)
Tomažič, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Oskrbovanje v vojašnici predstavlja enega od zelo pomembnih elementov logistične zagotovitve v Slovenski vojski. V zadnjih nekaj letih je s strukturnimi spremembami v njej tudi na tem področju prišlo do velikih sprememb, ki se odražajo v delovanju logističnih enot vojašnic kot glavnimi nosilci tega področja logistične zagotovitve. V nalogi sem skozi prikaz razredov oskrbovanja na nivoju vojašnice nanizal nekaj primerjav in kritičnih ovrednotenj stanja s področja oskrbovanja v zadnjih nekaj letih. Pri tem sem upošteval tudi področje voznega parka v vojašnici kot podporo temu delovanju.
Keywords:oskrba, vojašnica, vozni park, logistična enota vojašnice
Year of publishing:2016
Publisher:[B. Simšič]
COBISS_ID:17471491 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Simsic_Branko_i2016.pdf (461,72 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Supplying of barracks with all the necessary items presents one of the extremely inmportant elements of logistic support in the Slovenian Armed Forces. In the last cople of years, structural changes in the Slovenian Arned Forces have led to significant changes in this field, which are reflected in the logistic services in this domain. Through a presentation of the classes of supply on the barracks level I present in my final work some comparisons and critical evaluations of the conditions in the field of logistic support in the last cuple of years, taking into consideration also vehicles available to the barracks as a means of support to the logistic operations.
Keywords:supply, barracks, vehicles, barracks' logistic unit


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