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TitlePodpora države gostiteljice pri izvedbi procesa RSOM tujih enot čez Republiko Slovenijo : (študija primera "Regijske vaje 2019")
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Casar, Peter (Author)
Slak, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Kovačič, Benjamin (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:podpora države gostiteljice (PDG), letališče, pristanišče, center za podporo konvojev, oskrba z gorivom med premikom, območje nastanitve, regijske vaje 2019UDC:355.52:355.41(497.4:1-622NATO)"2019"(043.4)COBISS_ID:15977731Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 5466 ogledov; 173 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Casar_Peter_i2020.pdf (1,56 MB)
Abstract:Po dolgem času je spet v resoluciji o strategiji nacionalne varnosti Republike Slovenije (RS) opredeljena možnost tveganja vojaškega konflikta, ki lahko preide v širše razsežnosti in da je RS lahko izpostavljena neposrednim vojaškim grožnjam. Koncept odvračanja in obramba je prednostna naloga posamezne Evropske države in zveze Nato. RS je s svojim geostrateškim položajem v Evropi, potencialna država preko katere se bodo premeščale zavezniške sile. Del premeščanja zavezniških sil se imenuje proces RSOM. RS se je kot članica zveze Nato zavezala, da bo vsem zavezniškim silam, ki se bodo nahajale na ozemlju ali prečkale ozemlje RS zagotavljala podporo države gostiteljice. Nato je izdal dokumente, ki opredeljujejo kako se proces RSOM izvaja in kakšna logistična podpora mora biti zagotovljena za uspešno izvedbo tega procesa. Naloga podaja celovito podobo procesa RSOM, ter na podlagi primera mednarodne vojaške vaje %Regijske vaje 2019% ugotavlja pripravljenost Slovenske Vojske v zagotavljanju logistične podpore zavezniškim silam pri izvedbi procesa RSOM.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:After a long time, the resolution on the national Security Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia again identified the possibility of a risk of military conflict which could go into wider disparities and that the Republic of Slovenia may be exposed to direct military threats. The concept of deterrence and defence is a priority for each European country and Nato. With its geostrategic position in Europe, the Republic of Slovenia is a potential country through which Allied forces will be transferred. This relocation of the Allied Forces is called the RSOM process. The Republic of Slovenia, as a member of Nato, has committed itself to providing host nation support to all Allied forces located on or crossing the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. Nato issued documents that define how the process RSOM is implemented and what logistical support must be provided for the successful implementation of this process. This document provides a comprehensive picture of the RSOM process, and, based on the example of the international military exercise %Regional Exercise 2019%, determines the readiness of the Slovenian Armed Forces to provide logistical support to the Allied forces in carrying out the RSOM process.Keywords:HNS, reception staging onward movement (RSOM), airport of disembarkation (APOD), seaport of disembarkation (SPOD), convoy support center (CSC), refuel on the move (ROM), staging area, regional exercise 2919