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Title:Ukaz za delovanje poveljnika motoriziranega bataljona : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Sumer, Alojz (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Pelaj, Avdulla (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Vojaške enote so globalno vse bolj prisotne. Mirovne operacije so postale eden od mehanizmov mednarodne skupnosti za reševanje sporov. Organizacija združenih narodov je organizacija kolektivne varnosti v svetu in ima legitimnopravico za izvajanje mirovnih operacij in uporabo sile. Poznavanje, jasnost in razumljivost pravil uporabe sile na terenu so ključnega pomena za uspeh mirovnih operacij, ker sta od ravnanja vojakov na terenu pogosto odvisna življenje in smrt udeleţencev mirovne operacije, sprtih strani in lokalnega prebivalstva. Za dosego usklajenosti delovanja enot na območju delovanja je potrebno, da so si tudi dokumenti čim bolj podobni in usklajeni za laţje delo in razumevanje. Namen naloge je pregledati in primerjati navodila Slovenske vojske za pisanje ukaza z navodili za pisanje ukaza zveze Nato in ameriške vojske ter potrditi ali ovreči njihovo uporabnost v mednarodnem okolju. Po podrobni analizi sem napisal razlike, ki so bile ugotovljene, in podal nekatere predloge. Ker se naloga navezuje na pripravo in pisanje ukaza poveljnika motoriziranega bataljona, sem na začetku krajše opisal postopke, ki potekajo do končnega nastanka ukaza. Za to je potreben celoten proces štaba bataljona, priprav, analiz, preigravanj in drugih aktivnosti, ob zbiranju, pretoku, obdelavi in uporabi velikega števila različnih informacij in podatkov. Na koncu sem na podlagi izmišljene situacijeposkušal narediti vzorčni ukaz poveljnika motoriziranega bataljona, ki lahko sluţi kot dodatna pomoč pri razumevanju navodil, katere informacije in podatke je treba navajati v posameznih točkah in podtočkah. Prisotnost in sodelovanje Slovenske vojske z mednarodnimi ustanovami in organizacijami sta vse večja. Poenotenost nekaterih dokumentov nam prinaša lažje delo in razumevanje, ko smo v tujini, zato bi bilo delo v tej smeri smotrno nadaljevati.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, bataljon, poveljnik, štab, ukaz, boj
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[A. Sumer]
COBISS_ID:4707022 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf Sumer_Alojz_2013.pdf (1,53 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Operation command of a motorised battalion commander
Abstract:The presence of military units in the global world is growing. Peacekeeping operations have become one of the mechanisms of the international community tosettle disputes. The United Nations is an organization of collective security in the world and has a legitimate right to carry out peacekeeping operations and to use force. Knowledge, clarity and readability of rules for the use of force in the field are crucial to success of peacekeeping operations because life and death of participants in peacekeeping operations or parties in dispute and local population often depends on actions of soldiers in the field. In order to achieve a coordinated operation of units inthe area of operation, it is necessary for documents to be as similar and ascoordinated as possible to ensure easier work and understanding. The purposeof this thesis was to study the instructions used by the Slovenian Armed Forces for writing the commands and compare them with those used by NATOand the US army and to support or refute their applicability in the international environment. After a detailed analysis I stated the differences that have been identified and made some specific suggestions. Since my thesis relates to the preparation and writing of motorized battalion commanderʼs command, at the beginning of the thesis I gave a short description of procedures that take place until the command is created. This requires an entire process of Headquarters Battalion, including preparation, analysis, negotiating and other activities, as well as collecting, movement, processing and utilization of a wide variety of information and data.
Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, battalion, commander, headquarters, command, combat


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