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Title:Pomen in primer SOP za delovanje odseka S-2 v bataljonu : zaključna naloga
Authors:Kotnik, Edvard (Author)
Klinar, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Nestabilnost, grožnje in tveganja so vse pogostejši dejavnik globalne varnosti, s tem pa tudi varnosti Republike Slovenije. Klasičnih vojaških groženj je vse manj, dolgoročno pa jih tudi ni mogoče povsem izključiti. V ospredje prihajajo novi trendi ogrožanja, ki temeljijo na asimetričnosti delovanja, kompleksnosti bojevanja, večnacionalnem značaju, raznovrstnosti uporabe oborožitve in sil, nedoločljivosti struktur, vse večji stopnji organiziranosti nevarnih družbenih skupin ter njihovi spretnosti v uporabi sodobnih komunikacijskih poti. Bataljon mora biti pripravljen na vse nove izzive. Pomembnejšo vlogo pri vsem tem ima vsekakor odsek S-2, ki že v mirnodobnem času opravlja izjemno odgovorne, številčne in izredno kompleksne naloge. Obseg nalog pa se občutno poveča v procesu načrtovanja delovanj in ob udeležbi enot na mednarodnih operacijah in misijah. Zaključna naloga analizira stalno pripravljenost odseka S-2 in kompleksnost njegovih nalog. Pripadniki odseka za obveščevalne, protiobveščevalne in varnostne zadeve lahko le z kvalitetno pripravljenimi in ažurnimi standardnimi operativnimi postopki (v nadaljnjem besedilu: SOP), orodji, izdelki in produkti v vseh procesih načrtovanja delovanj, štabnem procesu dela in izvajanju nalog, uspešno ter pravočasno podpirajo štab in poveljnika pri sprejemanju pomembnih odločitev.
Keywords:SOP - standardni operativni postopek, obveščevalne zadeve, protiobveščevalna in varnostna zagotovitev, načrtovanje delovanj
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[E. Kotnik]
Source:Novo mesto
COBISS_ID:6307022 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kotnik_Edvard_i2012.pdf (752,35 KB)
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Abstract:Instability, threats and risks are increasing factors in global security and thus the security of the Republic of Slovenia. Conventional military threat is becoming less and less, but in the long run it can not be completely ruled out. New trends of threats are appearing on the scene. They are the asimetric activity and complexity of warfare, a multinational charachter, the diversity of weapons and forces, indeterminacy of structure, the increasing degree of organization of groups and their skills in using modern communication channels. Battalion must be prepared for all new challenges. Battalion S-2 section carries numeros important and compleks tasks during peace time. Number of tasks is significantly encreased during operational planning proces and deployment to international operations and missions. Final paper present analysis of continious readiness of the S-2 section and the complexity of its tasks. Members of the S-2 section must support the staff and commander during planning and decision making process as well as during the execution. Only with quality prepared and updated SOP-s, intell tools and products can they carry out the task successfully and on time.
Keywords:SOP - standing operational procedure, military intelligence, counterintelligence and security, operationall planning


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