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The cognitive aspects of Europeʼs security and defence challenges
Igor Senčar, 2021

Opis: The European post-Cold War order was based on a pan-European consensus that democracy was the only source of legitimacy % until the Kremlin opposed the realization of a Europe whole, free and at peace with itself. There has been a paradigm change from cooperation to systemic competition. Russian revisionism poses the greatest security threat to Europe. The nature of the threat was realized rather late. The assault on the post-Cold War order was not just a classic war, which relies on hard power; instead, the war also took place in the cognitive sphere, which represents a particular challenge for open, democratic societies. Furthermore, it was also a normative assault. An effective response requires a mental shift and the strengthening of cognitive resilience as well as solidarity as the key foundations of security.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Povzetek najdenega: ...cognitive resilience, European Union, information warfare, normative conflict, revisionist power...
Ključne besede: cognitive resilience, European Union, information warfare, normative conflict, revisionist power
Objavljeno: 18.10.2021; Ogledov: 4299; Prenosov: 39
.pdf Polno besedilo (293,86 KB)

Analysis of the armed conflict: a case study of Lord’s Resistance Army
Klemen Kocjančič, 2023

Opis: One of the longest-running terrorist groups on the African continent is the Lord’s Resistance Army, originating from Uganda. Using the Christianity combined with local animism and Islam as the basis of their ideology and focusing at first on the protection of the Acholi people, this group evolved from fighting their enemies to oppressing their own people. Initially an internal conflict, the activities of the Lord’s Resistance Army spread throughout the region through a proxy war between neighbouring countries, until eventually international intervention was called for. Based on the Conflict Assessment Framework, combined with other methods, this armed conflict is analysed, showing the progress of the conflict through the time.
Najdeno v: ključnih besedah
Ključne besede: analysis of the conflict, Lord’s Resistance Army, counterinsurgency, terrorism, insurgency
Objavljeno: 05.01.2024; Ogledov: 1492; Prenosov: 6
.pdf Polno besedilo (432,31 KB)

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