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Robust integrated control system design methods for 21st century military applications [Elektronski vir] = : Méthodes de conception de systèmes de commande robustes intégrés pour applications militaires au 21 ème siècle
Treaty Organization North Atlantic, 2004

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Summary of found: ... Command and control systems, Congresses, kontrolni sistemi, vojska...
Keywords: Command and control systems, Congresses, kontrolni sistemi, vojska
Published: 11.11.2011; Views: 8994; Downloads: 39
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Vpliv informacijskega sistema poveljevanja in kontrole na uspešnost procesa poveljevanja in kontrole v SV : magistrska naloga
Marko Šterbenc, 2010

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Summary of found: ...enje uspešnosti, interoperatibilnost, vizualizacija, izmenjava informacij, MIP, command and control, information system, effectiveness, measurement of...
Keywords: poveljevanje in kontrola, informacijski sistem, uspešnost, merjenje uspešnosti, interoperatibilnost, vizualizacija, izmenjava informacij, MIP, command and control, information system, effectiveness, measurement of effectiveness, interoperability, visualisation, information sharing, MIP
Published: 26.04.2012; Views: 8925; Downloads: 45
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Transformacija Slovenske vojske - poveljevanje in kontrola v vojaški policiji SV : zaključna naloga
Vlado Tomažič, 2013

Abstract: Vsak vojaški poveljnik stremi k temu, da bo njegova enota učinkovita in sposobna izvajati svoje poslanstvo in naloge. Da bi dosegel ta cilj ima na voljo kar nekaj inštrumentov, med katere sodita tudi poveljevanje in kontrola, ki skupaj tvorita sistem poveljevanja in kontrole. Pa vendar bo le učinkovit sistem poveljevanja in kontrole poveljniku omogočal optimalno izkoriščanje dodeljenih virov ter pravočasno in pravilno odločanje pri vodenju enote. Poveljniki enot vojaške policije pri tem niso nobena izjema, saj si tudi sami želijo, da bi bil sistem poveljevanja in kontrole v vojaški policiji, tudi po zaključku transformacijskih aktivnosti organiziran na način, da bo vojaški policiji omogočal uresničitev poslanstva, ohranjal sposobnost hitrega in učinkovitega delovanja v izrednih situacijah, predvsem pa omogočal strokovno in zakonito izvajanje zakonsko opredeljenih nalog vojaške policije.
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Summary of found: ...in zakonitost, Slovenian Armed Forces, military police, command and control, professional competence and lawfulness...
Keywords: Slovenska vojska, vojaška policija, poveljevanje in kontrola, strokovnost in zakonitost, Slovenian Armed Forces, military police, command and control, professional competence and lawfulness
Published: 14.11.2017; Views: 8081; Downloads: 83
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Eight months of war in Ukraine
Berthold Sandtner, 2023

Abstract: There are three major dimensions which justify a closer examination when looking at the implications for the development of armed forces from lessons from the war in Ukraine: the strategic, conceptual/doctrinal, and capability development dimensions. Nuclear deterrence capabilities, as well as alliances, turned out to be paramount multipliers at the strategic level. Doctrinally, a comprehensive understanding of hybrid warfare should trigger a capability development, not only fuelled by likelihood but also by considering the most dangerous courses of action. Finally, capabilities should be generated, provided and trained for what they are planned to be employed for. A robust and capable command and control architecture is paramount in order to compensate conventional asymmetry and act decisively and successfully.
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Summary of found: ...be employed for. A robust and capable command and control architecture is paramount in order...
Keywords: war in Ukraine, Austrian Armed Forces, military capability development, command and control, nuclear deterrence, hybrid warfare
Published: 03.04.2023; Views: 2072; Downloads: 14
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